Wednesday, December 31, 2008,

haha happy new year!

eh for this new year, i think, like, most of us should focus on God more this year! but then arh, seriously, we could've done it ANY time. why do we wait until some stupid not really changing event be4 we decide to do it? man. seriously. just start now. and remember to do it. im gona try really hard.

anyway. its new year! can say dumb things again. like. "I HAVENT EATEN SINCE LAST YEAR! IM HUNGRY". yea HAHAHA. i think ppl have heard it enough from me lah. hahah but like. it was so stupid cause rachel bought a cheeseburger just now and said "THIS IS THE FIRST MEAL IM EATING THIS YEAR" haha okay whatever lah!

today, i er. went out with my class ppl then had a party with class ppl later! well, it started on a weird note when JONTANGS MUM woke me up by smsing me and inviting me to her party oO. the message was like. "are you free to come from 8 to countdown at 12? cause its jon's birthday also soon. - auntie sylvia". hahaha. first thing in my mind i was like. "whos jon oO. and whos sylvia!" hahahaha then i rememebered she signed her names off in all her nice paintings in jontangs hosue! okay only ppl who go to jontangs house understand. HAHA

eh i realized arh, like jontang since hes born in 2nd of Jan, hes like almost a year older than ppl like andrew whos born on 30th december. man and they're like in the same class. haha sucks!

anw, today me lime aziz bentan jeremiah jontang went to wattch bedtime stories! it was super retarded lah. HAHAHA. go watch it its a super good moviee! then me and jontang went to cut hair at fareast! eh the place arh. the hairdresser guy is PSYCHIC. he cut exactly the way cara said i should cut my hair and the kinda hairstyle she tried to cut be4!

okay then i went geralds house for his party with church ppl :D. haha suddenly i got better at pool today! and then the barbaquing was super fun! hahah but it made me cough cause i was standing at the directino of the smoke. damnitt! we contributed alot to global warming man!

then we went watchnight service! eh okay nvm. im like recollecting my day im some boring way. IM GONA STOP.

haha okay. er. the funniest thing that happened is that. me and Jeremy finished the WHOLE taboo deck in 20 min :O WHOAA. we should be on the same team man. but we're damn pro. some words arh, we're like even like.

"PICKLE!"- Jeremy

eh crap thats damn weird. like. it only happened in ONE kim possible episode. and i duno how he watched it also :O. HAHAHA. skills that kill :D

2nd Jan - Jonathan Tang!
4th Jan - Julian Chang
22nd Jan - Cara! :D
23rd Jan - Ben Tan (again, no not the dentist. my classmate!)
26th Jan - John! (whos that arh =.-)

HAHA FINE IM THE YOUNGEST JANUARY PERSON. haha but nvm. well thers not much difference lah. heres a list of what i KNOW you can do when you're 16. feel free to add on if u know anymore!

1. Watch NC-16 movies! (duh!)
2. Sign up at Video EZ!
3. erm. oooh u know when theres acsi holidays and we all can't play lan cause we're not 16? WELL THAT HAS CHANGED :D

haha. jontang and ben! one day lets all go out wit hte class. then we go watch some nc-16 movie. and everyone gets carded but we can still go and watch :D then we gloat! YAY!

Save me from this road I'm on,
10:58 AM

Monday, December 29, 2008,

hahaha. whooo its the 111th post! time to celebrate ! =.= how do i even notice things like that haha =.=

okay anyway, AAHHH THE YEAR IS ENDING. but somehow, it just feels like. the holidays is supposed to run for a long time more. like.. this holiday is actually the longest, somehow it feels like the shortest! man that stinks man. but like. i also dont mind going to sch =.= ehhh this is freaking weird man.

well. have to decide what to do with my cca's. maybe i should go for orchestra? since thers SYF next year. yea but i dont even need cca points. but. er. AIYAH I DUNO. i think i should go for winter league! JOSEPH SIM COME BACK LAH STOP DITCHING ME. u ditch!

oh. in other news, jontang gots a discoball! which can't turn. which actually came from a christmas tree =.= in united square. HAHA. the ppl were taking it down, and so he asked if he could get one and they just gave him one. hahah so hes looking for a motor. then he'll just shine a light through it. then we can all go to his hosue and groove :D HAHAHAHA. u shud get a ukelele man! i promise to learn to play it while u groove HAHA. okay nvm i just like ukelele's =.=

haha okay. and er. the stupidest convo yesterday

Ben Tan (for brmc ppl, its not the dentist. its my classmate): I think andrew will be damn tired from jacklack
John : whos jack! what's he lacking...?
Ben Tan: jacklack lah =.=
Ben Tan: ...
John: its JETLAG =.=
Ben Tan: oh shit my spelin seriously sux


hahah i notice ppl always have their own trademark phrases! hahah lets start a series of what ppl like to say. like starting now. haha until i run out! okay er.


Save me from this road I'm on,
2:55 AM

Saturday, December 27, 2008,

haha. well. i think 2008 is ending, so i should give thanks for all my best friends. yea! like i think i'll write the most important ones only lah. cause im sleepy. haha and i wish i had enough pictures. but sorry lah im not a girl so i dont have pictures! anyway. lets start with the old friends (heehee you're old :O)

1. Gerald Sim - haha yea! my friend for. a real long time. since p5 . haha OLD friend. HAHA. but im older than u so damn. im really old. haha yea thanks for being my best friend (: yea and always inviting me to your house and all that! and er. you rock! yea! haha im lazy to type more lah don't scold me xP

2. Cara Chiang - yay! haha the other hall of fame member. and YES YOU'RE OLDER THAN ME MAN. by 4 days. haha coool. haha anyway, you've been a nice friend to have this year. :D hope next year will be the same! haha and you can come to my house and play guitar hero whenever u want. yea i know it sucks not to have a game console.

3. Ryan Koh - ironic i thought of u next. haha cause i was thinking you're super young. born in december. OKAY OKAY I'LL LEND U FRIENDS. SINCE MY SUBJECT TITLE IS FRIENDS. haha yay thanks for being super retarded and entertaining at camp! :D its always more interesting when you're around!

4. Jeremy Wong - AIYAH YOUR NAME SO LONG. okay hi jer! haha thats better. haha thanks for being a good friend! haha i remember at the beginning of the year i got bored everyday so i went to your class cause my class was boring. HAHA. seemed such a short time ago man. haha and thanks for giving my inspiration on what to name my neopet (jubbo_jer) . cool huh.

5. Tim! - WHOO YOU'RE SPECIAL YOUR NAME HAS AN EXCLAIMATION MARK! (tries to be excited). HAHAHA anyway, yea thanks for being a good friend all year long! even though we hardly talked after the 2nd term but. but i think WE NEED TO GO OUT AHHH.

6. Jin! - er. read the above! HAHAHA. AND FIND A PRIVATE SERVER MAN SO WE CAN PLAY MAPLE. or something like that. HAHA OR PLAY NEOPETS WITH ME

7. BONG - haha hi bong! thanks for playing neopets with me. and grow shorter abit please. ARUGH. IM STILL SUPER SORE THAT I WAS THE SAME HEIGHT AS U IN P6. then now you're 193 or something. like the BFG (bigfriendlygiant). haha and i promise not to waste all our neopoints on the stockmarket!

8. Jenwei - EH JENWEI. YOU'D BETTER STOP LIKING SO MANY PEOPLE HOR. haha anyway, thanks for hanging out with me during mep! if not mep'll be super boring. and then, for your mep exam, you really should find another violin piece man. HAHAHA. dont ask me to play that stupid duet with u again! ahaha okay nvm. oh and we need to go out too man =.= stop going for rugby! and you'd better not be the waterboy again next year, if u still wana go for rugby!

9. Charmaine - EH IM NOT GAY. I LIKE GIRLS OKAY. okay take away the plural. haha okay nvm everyone else thinks im weird now for saying that. HAHA ANYWAY. thanks for being my friend this year (: haha yay!

10. Liling - haha yea we didn't talk/ hang out much after like. the super beginning of this year. haha. well. hope we'll talk / hang out more next year!

OKAY. er. i feel like i've forgotten someone but. ah i duno. moving on! to the new friends.

11. Aaron - WELL. your name starts with 2 A's so u'll always be first eh. haha. anyway, thanks for being my good friend this year (: hahaha and sitting next to me and complaining everyday about people. haha only both of us got to sit next to each other in the whole class. yay we're special :D. HAHA. and thanks for teaching us all frisbee too!

12. Joseph Sim - haha hi! thanks for. er. playing with me everyday :O. except for december. whoa i just realized we've played some retarded game together everyday for a loong time. like. jigsaw or dota or rockband or frisbee or something. haha and we should go winterleague more man we're DITCHing our team. notice the caps on the DITCH! HAHA AND CUBIE IS CUTE :D TAKE A PICTURE OF IT AND SEND IT TO ME.

13. Jontang - AAAH JONTANG U GOT 13 AAHH WE'RE ALL GONA DIE. oO. okay nvm HAHAHA. thanks for hanging out with me alot this year. haha and we should watch more movies man! and highfive more. yay movie buddies! wads on thursday? HAHA.

eh. i've a feeling i've forgotten people. my mind just went blank ah but its late u can't blame me. hahah if i've missed u out, go shout at me on my tagboard or something! then i'll write! haha k!

its OUR STAND TMR! eh i realized i'm writing "tmr" more instead of "2morrow" haha i just realized its shorter. and i think cara says it and i got influenced =.= HAHA.


Save me from this road I'm on,
10:27 AM

Friday, December 26, 2008,

YO. im reviving my blog! cause cara said so. hahaha! with this nice cool new blogskin! YAY. and no more passwords! hahah come and tag me more if not my blog will die again!

yea and, er. i think the blogskin is of great significance! yes, i know "jesus take the wheel" of a carrie underwood song, and it sounds nice, but i think many of us should learn from the lyrics. like. er. in a nutshell, we all like to be in control of our lives, yea. but. really, we should be letting God take control of our life! like we should do what HE wants, not what WE want. yea. so we should let him "take the wheel!" :D

new changes! haha. well. i decided to add a HALL OF FAME. this is for best friends who REALLY are my best friends :D. whooo being inducted there is a great honor! you er. get a big sticker! or something like that.

haha anyway, i've forgotten how to do this, but. er. YEA. TODAY i watched american gangasters during the day, then when i came home. haha my guitar hero was being hoarded! ryan yang cancelled our cell so that he could come to my house and play! HAHAHA oO.

oh oh last week, i watched kill bill! 1 and 2. it rocks :D really go watch it! even if it is gory and like full of blood splurting out of ppls cut off arm and legs like a fountain, it really is good! like the stories and all!

haha. okay short post. haha i need practise at this again.

Save me from this road I'm on,
9:46 AM